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Post-flood damage, Spring Valley, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the interior of a building that flooded in Spring Valley, Wisconsin, on September 17, 1942. Title supplied by cataloger. Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Verso shows signs of having been removed from a scrapbook, otherwise unused.

Railroad trestle damaged by the 1942 flood, Spring Valley, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a railroad bridge swept away by flood waters the night of September 17, 1942, in Spring Valley, Wisconsin. Title supplied by cataloger. Probably printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950), as most of the cards in this set have that logo undamaged in the stamp box. Verso shows signs of having been removed from a scrapbook, otherwise unused.

Post-flood damage, Spring Valley, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the post-flood damage in Spring Valley, Wisconsin. The flood happened on the night of September 17, 1942. Title supplied by cataloger. Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Verso shows signs of having been removed from a scrapbook, otherwise unused.

Post-flood damage, Spring Valley, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the post-flood damage in Spring Valley, Wisconsin. The flood happened the night of September 17, 1942. Title supplied by cataloger. Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Verso shows signs of having been removed from a scrapbook, otherwise unused.

Trout Brook School, District 3, Town of Kinnickinnic, St. Croix County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of eleven children posing with their teacher outside of the Trout Brook School in the Town of Kinnickinnic in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Most of the children are wearing sweaters. The school building has a steeple with a bell tower and spire, a brick chimney, double front doors with a transom, and five windows showing. Another smaller building or annex is slightly visible behind. Date from handwritten identification on recto. Handwritten list of the children and teacher on the verso: Left to right, Helen Webster, Lyle Seuro, George Legler, Grace Nelson, [Ruth?] Junkman, Louise Stapleton (teacher), Herman Niederhauser, Otto Kreuzigler, [Rochelle?] Junkman, Rudolph Langhammer, Otto Langhammer, Anne Langhammer.

Polk County Training School for Teachers, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard image of the Polk County Training School for Teachers, located in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. The two-story building, made of formed concrete blocks, has a belltower. Text printed on recto: Alfred Isaacson, Pub. Date from postmark: Oct 29, 1909; mailed from [Ce]ntur[ia], Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Emma Jensen, Albert Lea, Minn. R.F.D. No. 3 Box 15. "Oct. 29 .09. Hello Emma, would like to here [sic] from you, have you forgot all about us? how are you all down there. we are alright up here. we have sold 100 bu. of Potatos at 30 cents per b. how did Mamma like her trip up here, did she have a good time at St. Paul. so Papa sold part of his farme [sic]. how is Mary getting along. Annie Peterson."

Aerial view, Spring Valley, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial view of Spring Valley, Wisconsin. Date from hand-written note on verso: "Taken when Mabel was a little girl - Early 1900's." Printed on Azo paper with four triangles, all pointing up. Unused postcard.

Sanatorium, Lake Mallolieu, Hudson, Wisconsin

Collotype postcard image of the Sanatorium above Mallalieu Lake--misspelled Mallelien--in Hudson, Wisconsin. Published for F. R. Crane, Hudson, Wisconsin (no. 1). Logo indicates it was printed by the H. Hagemeister Co. (no. 8293); printed in Germany. Date span from the working life of the H. Hagemeister Co. Unused.

Hudson High School basketball team, 1912

Real-photo postcard with image of Hudson High School's 1912 basketball team. Team members (left to right) Standing: Sam Slaughter, Coach J.W. Burholder, and Carl Anderson; seated: Henry Bleier, Harry "Bat" Nelson (with the ball), and G. Barter Bell. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918).

Rush River Dam, Ellsworth Electric Light Company, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Ellsworth Electric Light Company's Rush River Dam near Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Date supplied by photographer: H.W.L. 1907. Card postmarked Nov 3, 1908; mailed from Beldenville Wisconsin; 1¢ green Franklin "Gingerbread" stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Flora Morton, Bay City, Ore. How are you and all of the other friends of mine getting along. Effie's oldest boy is sick and Anna is sick. I hope they will not have such a time as they did last winter. We are all well and hope this card will find you all well. This from Lydia. Good Bye."

H. F. Doolittle, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo advertising postcard with image of H. F Doolittle, a publisher and musician from Ellsworth, Wisconsin, with his percussion instruments in a photographer's studio setting. The text says: "I find the Wonder drums and traps made by the C.G. Conn Co., of Elkhart, Ind. just what I require in every respect." Postcard printed on Azo paper, with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Cedar Lake, Town of Richmond, St. Croix County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Cedar Lake in the Town of Richmond, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Jun 7, 1929; mailed from New Richmond Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Flora Morton, Rdgefield, Wash. We are taking in the Cyclone Country, it sure must have been terrible. Mrs. West." She is probably referring to the 1899 tornado that demolished much of New Richmond, Wisconsin.

City power house and water tower, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Ellsworth, Wisconsin, city power house and water tower. The dome of the Pierce County courthouse can be seen in the distance. Someone on a bicycle is on the dirt road and part of a buggy can be seen on the far right side. Date supplied by photographer: 1908. Photographer likely was D.H. Dingman. Postcard postmarked Aug 17, 1912; mailed from Ellsworth Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message on verso: Addressed to Mrs. Flora Morton, Bay City, Oregon. "Ellsworth, Aug., Dear friend, received you [sic] card, we are well and hope this will find you the same; was out to Effie's yesterday; they all well; we had good time and lots to eat. Eura Rice." (Effie was Flora's sister.)

Ruins of Stewart's Store, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the ruins of Stewarts Store in River Falls, Wisconsin, which was destroyed by fire in 1915. Title handwritten on verso, probably by the donor (Willis H. Miller). Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Stewart's Store fire, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of firefighters attempting to put out the Stewart Store fire in River Falls, Wisconsin, in 1915. Title handwritten on verso, probably by the donor (Willis H. Miller). Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Office of the 'New Richmond News' after fire,

Postcard image of the New Richmond News office ruins. A fire destroyed the newspaper building in January, 1913. Title handwritten on verso, probably by the donor (Willis H. Miller). Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

6th Street School fire, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the fire at the Sixth St. School in Hudson, Wisconsin, on February 18, 1917. Title handwritten on verso, possibly by the donor (Willis H. Miller). Printed on Azo paper with two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1910-1930). Unused.

Souvenir postcard, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Souvenir postcard multiple images of Ellsworth, Wisconsin: Main Street, Pierce County Courthouse, High School, St. John's Episcopal Church, Lost Creek, M.E. Presbyterian Church. Date from postmark: Jul 2 1909; mailed from Ellsworth Wis; green 1 Benjamin Franklin stamp. Message:

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