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H.T. Hagestad Student Center at Wisconsin State University, River Falls, Wisconsin

Title continuation on verso: The H.T. Hagestad Student Center is seen in this view of a portion of the south campus of Wisconsin State University at River Falls. Text printed on verso: Published by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701. Date from time period "Wisconsin State University-River Falls" was used. Unused.

Apple River, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Apple River in New Richmond, Wisconsin, and mill structures along the bank of the river. Date from postmark: Jul 28, 1910; mailed in New Richmond Wis; a portion of a green 1¢ Franklin stamp is still visible. Underneath the stamp, where it has been ripped off, one can see in the stamp box Azo [paper] with the two left triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Message (very faint): Addressed to Miss Sophia Larson, R.R., Amery, Wisconsin "[???] I got down ok. [???] Yours Truley, WEA."

Street scene, Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of downtown Grantsburg, Wisconsin, showing businesses, automobiles, street lights, and two pedestrians. Businesses include Taylor Furniture, Crocker's, First Bank of Grantsburg, the U.S. Post Office, several bars, the WCMP radio station, and a Standard gas station. Text on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc. 2014 No 3rd St., Minneapolis 11, Minn. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

St. Croix River, Danbury, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Wisconsin Highway 35 bridge near Danbury, Wisconsin, over the St. Croix River. This 4-span deck truss bridge was replaced in 2008. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved--A. Pearson Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed on EKC paper (this stamp box design used 1930-1950). Unused.

Dining hall and rest room at Hunky Dory Farm, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Postcard image of the dining hall and rest rooms at the Hunky Dory Farm. There is a large group of people standing on the porch of the pictured building. Handwritten note on front of card: "Lake right down in front." Text printed on verso: Photographic Appliances Corporation, Minneapolis, Minn., Manufacturing Photographers. Date from postmark: Jul 8 1918; mailed from Balsam Lake, Wisconsin; stamp removed. Message: Addressed to Master Robert Nolan, Hastings, Minn. "Dear Robert, We had a dandy trip up, but the automobile acted badly half the way up. We had such good honey for supper. Lovingly, your mama. Be a good boy and mind Nutters[?]."

Hospital, Baldwin, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the three-story brick hospital in Baldwin, Wisconsin. Printed on EKC paper (used 1930-1950). Message: "They build a new addition to the Hospital." Someone else added: "yes."

Power dam at high water, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing the dam at St. Croix Falls; printed on AZO paper. Date estimate from design AZO in the postage stamp area (with four triangles, two up and two down). Message: "2. JT told me he did not see any reason why things wouldn't be O.K. for me at St. John's. All I look for now is the word from the Msgr. which is due the 1st wk. in Aug. I feel better but would be in the land of bliss away from Lt. Snelling. Just took a short trip up into Wisconsin for the day. Some of the boys went to Chicago." [Not addressed, stamped, or signed.]

Dalles House Motel, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with two images: "The Dalles House Motel," and the "Cafe and Lounge." Text printed on verso: "The Dalles House, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. On U.S. 8 & Wisconsin 35 - Phone: 32-W. 25 Units with free TV. Ceramic Baths, A.M.F. Bowling, Cocktail Lounge, Bar, Coffe Shop, Dining Room & Superb Food. Golf Course and Skiing just 5 minutes away." Also on verso are logos for AAA and Best Western Motels. Also on verso: "Curteichcolor® 3-D Natural Color Reproduction (Reg. U.S.A. Pat. Off.)" Date from stamp box: Curt Teich Postcards used several different ways to number their cards over the years. By the 1930s, a letter would denote the decade ("A" - 1930s, "B" - 1940s, "C" - 1950s, "D" - 1960s, "E" - 1970s) and the number before the letter would indicate the year within that decade. In 1931 another letter was added after the decade letter. This indicated different printing processes. A "K" was used to indicate Curteichcolor, which is a chrome postcard printing process. This postcard has "8CK1912" printed within the postage square, indicating it is a 1958 Curteichcolor card.

Old Man of the Dalles, Taylor's Falls, Minnesota and St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin

Post card with image of the 'Old Man of the Dalles' rock formation on the St. Croix River between Wisconsin and Minnesota. Date from message: Aug. 16, 08. Printed on verso: Published by A. Isaacson & M.A. Tangen, [printed in] Germany. Alfred Isaacson (1856-1928), of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, and Martin Andrew Tangen (1869-1958), of Taylor's Falls, Minn., were druggists in St. Croix Falls, typical publishers of small town postcards.

Fabri-Tek, Incorporated, Amery, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Fabri-Tek, Inc., building in Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. Continuation of title on verso: Fabri-Tek, Inc., An equal opportunity employer, Amery, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: "Pub. by Emil Fremming 'Color Cards', Chetek, Wisconsin" and "Photo by Emil Fremming." Also: Made by Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack, New York. Unused.

Northern States Power Company service center, Amery, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Northern States Power Company service center located in Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: "Pub. by Emil Fremming "Color Cards," Chetck, Wisconsin" and "Photo by Emil Fremming." Also, "Made by Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack, New York." Date based on automobiles in the parking lot. Unused.

Four men posing in suits and hats, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of four men posing for the camera in front of a photography studio backdrop. Title supplied by cataloger. The names are handwritten on the verso: B.G. B__sler, William Fleming, G.F. Trieb, and standing, E.H. Nagel. Text printed on verso: The Kregel Photo Parlors, St. Paul, Minn. and Minneapolis, Minn. The date handwritten on the verso--Jan. 14, 1911--is probably the date the photograph was taken in a photography studio. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918).

Mthodist Episcopal Church, Prescott, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Methodist Episcopal church building in Prescott, Wisconsin. The building has a belltower, some stained glass windows, and a formed concrete block foundation. Text printed on verso: Moen Photo Service, La Crosse, Wisconsin Printed on EKKP paper (used 1904-1950). Unused.

St. Croix Lake, Prescott, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of St. Croix Lake at Prescott, Wisconsin. The bridge across the St. Croix River at Prescott can be seen in the distance on the upper left of the image. A boat has been pulled up on shore. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Gladstone Hotel, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Gladstone Hotel in River Falls Wisconsin Embossed flowers surround the image. Date from postmark: Apr 22, 1908; mailed from River Falls, Wisconsin; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Vera Stevens, Maiden Rock, Wisconsin "Dear Vera, I thot I would send you a picture of our house. Why don't you ans. my letter, tell Ro. C. to ans. to[o] ... From chum Glady [?]."

Congregational Church, River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Congregational Church in River Falls, Wisconsin. The wooden church has a bell tower, three entrances with wide steps and railings, and is surrounded by deciduous trees. Printed on Kruxo paper with the name used as the divider (in use 1911-1922). Unused.

The 'Congo' church, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Congregational church building in River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Made in Germany. Taggart's Drug Store, Importers & Publishers, River Falls, Wisconsin Printed in the stamp box: image of a padlock with "C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill., Exclusive Importers; Domestic Postage One Cent, Foreign Postage Two Cents." Date from postmark: Jun 19, 1908; mailed from Riv[er Fa]lls Wis; green 1¢ Franklin "Gingerbread" (see note) stamp. Message: Addressed to [M]iss Vera Steven, Maiden Rock, Wisconsin "Dearest Chum Vera, How is your Heart. 1&a. Our school let out today. Thurs I had to be in the exercies [sic]. How is everybody. Go up & tell my grandma Hello & Kiss her for me. How is she. I may be down in about 2 weeks. When are you comming [sic] up. ans. G.T." Written on the recto: "This is the church I go to. I sent Roy a picture of the normal scool [sic]. by [sic] dear. ans. G.T. .

Methodist church, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Methodist church building in River Falls, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Oct. 10, 1910; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Nettie Andrews, R.F.D., Spring Valley, Wisconsin "Dear Nettie, I received your letter and was glad to hear from you. We are all well excepting me. I haven't been feeling very well to day [sic]. Ma has not come home yet but I gess [sic] she will come some time this week. Pa went hunting yesterday and got 5 squirrels, so we had a good dinner to day [sic]. Well I ges [sic] this is all so good by [sic]. Leora."

Kinnickinnic River, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Kinnickinnic River near River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Taggart's Drug Store, Importers and Publishers, River Falls, Wisconsin Made in Germany. Printed in the stamp box: image of a padlock with "C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill., Exclusive Importers; Domestic Postage One Cent, Foreign Postage Two Cents (used 1905-1909).

Fish caught in the Kinnickinnic River, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of a fish caught in the Kinnickinnic River with a hand-written caption, "This is what we catch here. Winnie." Date from postmark: Jul 9, 1907; mailed from River Falls; green 1¢ Franklin "Gingerbread" stamp. Addressed to Mrs. Daniel Mears, Osceola, Wisconsin; no message.

View from Crow's Nest in Glen Park, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard image of Crow's Nest in Glen Park in River Falls, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Taggart's Drug Store, Importers and Publishers, River Falls, Wisconsin Made in Germany. Probably printed by C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill. Date from postmark: 1909; mailed from Beldenville Wis; green 1¢ Franklin stamp.

Northwards, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with an aerial view of New Richmond, Wisconsin, looking north. Stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Southeast view, Plum City, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Plum City, Wisconsin. There is grass in the foreground, a tree and a church on the right, and multiple buildings throughout. Rhyme on recto: "I'm enjoying every minute, For all there is in it, And I hope some day to see you here, For it's well worth while, my dear." Copyright 1912 by F.A. Hubold. Postmark: Aug 30, 1913; mailed from Maiden Rock, Wisconsin; green 1 George Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Hazel Greene,

Lost Creek, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

A real photo postcard with an image of Lost Creek near Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Date from postmark. Text on front: I just arrived this morning, But I've looked around somewhat, If you're in search of a happy home, This is the classy spot.

Postcard with poem and image of city post office, Star Prairie, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the post office building in Star Prairie, Wisconsin. Rhyme on recto: May health and happiness both be yours. And fortune smile on all you do; And we hope you feel like wishing us The same good things we're wishing you. Text printed on verso: Pub. by R. Steinman & Co., St. Paul, Minn. Hand-written on verso at a later date: "Post Office, Albert Olson, P.M., Star Prairie, Wisconsin" Unused.

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