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St. John's Catholic Church and School, Glenwood City, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the St. John the Baptist Catholic School with the Church behind it and a grove of trees in the background. Church founded in 1886; built at this location in 1917. On verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc. 2014 No. 3rd St., Minneapolis 11, Minn. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ).

Bathing at Perry Mound, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of boaters and swimmers at a pier jutting out into Balsam Lake. Houses and deciduous trees can be seen on the distant shore. Text printed on verso: The Co-Mo Company, Post Cards, Minneapolis. Date from message: Aug. 24, 1924; mailed from Balsam Lake; 1ยข green Benjamin Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Nels Hammer, Galesville Wisc.; "Dear Sister & all, I just wish you were here. I am having a very nice time. Came here yesterday. Drov[e] 79 miles. Allice put up a nice big lunch, it sure tasted good. It rained in the morning so we left Minnpls 3 oclock came here at 7 oclock. Will have to come over and tele you all about my trip. Regards to Father & Mother & all. (Christine)"

Butternut Lake, Luck, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing the shore of Butternut Lake with several houses in the distances. No indication if it is Big Butternut Lake or Little Butternut Lake. Date from postmark: 1914, the rest is not legible; green 1ยข Washington stamp. Correspondence (typed) on verso, from Arthur Spiering to his sister Elsie in Winthrop, Minn. "Luck Wisconsin. 2/1/14. My Dear Sister Elsie. Your card on hand last night and thank you very much. You are hard at work now with the studies suppose, are you still at the same place yet at Mrs. K.? How do you like the weather? It is very cold here. One time it was 28 below zero, I bet you would of frooze [sic] then don't you think so? How many valentines did you get this year, only one I got was from you, did not send any yet and do not figure on sending any, Your Brother Arthur."

Apple River near the power plant at Somerset, Wisconsin

Real photo postcard showing the Apple River near the power plant at Somerset, Wisconsin. The power plant is not in the photo. Publisher: Excel P.C. Co., Milwaukee. Postmarked Aug 15, 1942, Somerset, Wisconsin Correspondence on verso: addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder ("Granny & Grandpop"), Manitowoc, Wisconsin, from Anita.

Power plant, Somerset Wis

Real-photo, white-border POST CARD showing the powerhouse, dam, and spillway at Somerset, Wisconsin. Other buildings in Somerset, a windmill, and numerous deciduous trees are visible in the background. Photo was poorly printed or has faded. On verso: Unsigned, handwritten note, "This is the Power House in Somerset. There is one like it just about 1/4 of a mile from here and there is another much bigger than this one about 5 miles from here." The postcard is not addressed to anyone, and does not have a stamp or postmark.

Trout ponds, Star Prairie, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a man and a woman standing by the trout ponds in Star Prairie, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Hand-written on front: By O.A.O. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Public school, Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the original school, and several additions, in Amery, Wisconsin. There are three parked cars. The buildings are brick, the street is paved, the sidewalks are concrete. There is a modernish double street light with an old schoolhouse bell at the base of the pole, an electrical pole across the street near some houses, several deciduous trees, and a small bush in the front of the picture. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Fair grounds, Pierce County, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image taken at the Pierce County Fair grounds. Shown are two individual horses being led by men, several teams of horses pulling wagons, the grandstand with viewers, and several male viewers close to the camera. Large deciduous trees are in the background, fences can be seen alongside the grandstand on both sides, and another building (barn?) is behind the grandstand. Title and date taken from handwriting on the verso. Printed on Azo paper with the two triangles pointing up and two down (used 1918-1930). Unused.

Des Moines Lake, Burnett County, and Long Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin

Text printed on verso: Des Moines Lake and Long Lake. Both spring fed lakes with good fishing and resort accommodations with sandy beaches. Located at Webb Lake, Wisconsin, just east of Danbury, and northwest of Spooner. Also printed on verso: Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused.

Skycrest Motel, River Falls, Wisconsin

Text on verso: "Skycrest Motel- River Falls, Wisconsin- 27 units. Newest and finest in motel comfort. Fire resistant bldg., individually controlled hot water heat, air-conditioned, ceramic bath or shower, wall to wall carpeting, large lobby, coffee shop, phones, and free TV. Phone River Falls, Wisconsin, HA 5-6133 Gilbert Durand and Family, Your host." Published by G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused.

St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Frederic, Wisconsin

Title from verso; the descriptive sentence continues "... is a reproduction of a window in the Cathedral at Chartres, France." Postcard with image of the Great Window on the "east wall" (behind the altar) and the chancel of St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Frederic, Wisconsin. St. Luke's is known as 'The Little Cathedral of the North'. The window was designed and built by Belgian artist Albert Larshied of Minneapolis. Published by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701. Unused postcard.

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