Photochrom-style postcard showing the unincorporated village of Yellow Lake, with the lake of the same name in the background. Title continued on verso: Yellow Lake, Only a few miles N.W. of Webster, Wisconsin. Popular lakeside resorts of this sandy beached, good fishing lake are: Hughes Hi Haven and Golf Course, Ike Walton Lodge, Yellow Lake Lodge, Pine Haven Resort, Shady Glenn and South Shore Resort. Text printed on verso: "G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin," and the logo for "Sun-Johnson Printing, Inc. Eau Claire, Wisconsin." Date from handwritten note on verso: July 8, 1963. Postmark is: Jul 3, 196[-]; mailed from Webster, Wisconsin; purple 4¢ Lincoln stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Lottie M. Naibert, Portland, Oregon. "Tuesday July 2nd, Cool, windy, sunny. Hi L.M. -- Here we are -- trying to get some much needed rest & relaxation from all the strenous [sic] days of May & June. It was so hot Sat. when we drove up -- T. 96, Sunday too - but yesterday cooler & today real cool. Dave & Elmer are like a couple of kids - having fun in the boat. No catch as yet - but soon I hope. Wrote Hank yesterday - card to Alga today - Exchange greetings also & manage to keep busy cooking & visiting. I baked pancakes this am., good too. Cabin is [?] and comfortable. Have had no reply to my last letter mail'd June 16th. Lillian & Elmer." Printed by Johnson Printing, Inc., Eau Claire, Wisconsin