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G. R. Brown With digital objects
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Skycrest Motel, River Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Skycrest Motel in River Falls, Pierce County, Wisconsin. Title continuation on verso: "Skycrest Motel-River Falls, Wisconsin. 27 units. Newest and finest in motel comfort. Fire resistant bldg., individually controlled hot water heat, air-conditioned, ceramic bath or shower, wall to wall carpeting, large lobby, coffee shop, phones, and free T.V. Phone River Falls, Wisconsin, HA 5-6133 Gilbert Durand and Family, Your Host," Text printed on verso: G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused postally, although appears to have been removed from a scrapbook.

Greetings from Luck, Wisconsin

Photochrom postcard with image of downtown Luck, Wisconsin, showing the businesses, automobiles, and street lights on the main street; a few deciduous trees are also visible. Businesses include Nielsen's Fountain, Fairway Foods, a Shell service station, a bank, and a cafe. Description printed on verso: "There are 25 Lakes within a radius of 9 miles of Luck, with ample resort accommodations. Luck has an intriguing 9 hole golf course with modern club house and is truly in the middle of the Polk County resort area. 900 friendly people to make your visit an enjoyable one." Text printed on verso: Photographed & Dist. by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, plus the G. R. Brown Co. logo. Unused.

Greetings from Milltown, Wisconsin

Arial view of "Milltown, Wisconsin, center of Polk County on scenic Hwy. 35. 13 lakes within 8 miles. A lake region where 20 lb. Northerns and 6-lb. Bass are a reality and ample resort facilities are available in this vacation paradise." Text printed on verso: Photo and published by G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused

Our Lady of the Pines Church, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Postcard showing a church building with the steeple on the left. Postcard with image of "Our Lady of the Pines Church, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, Masses - June Till Labor Day: 7:00, 8:30, 10:30 - Labor Day Till June: 8:00." Text printed on verso: "Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin," and the logo for "Sun-Johnson Printing, Inc. Eau Claire, Wisconsin." Unused.

Des Moines Lake, Burnett County, and Long Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin

Text printed on verso: Des Moines Lake and Long Lake. Both spring fed lakes with good fishing and resort accommodations with sandy beaches. Located at Webb Lake, Wisconsin, just east of Danbury, and northwest of Spooner. Also printed on verso: Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused.

Devils Lake, Webster, Wisconsin

Text printed on verso: Devil's Lake, Webster, Wisconsin A spring fed lake with sandy beaches and good fishing. Besides a boys camp located on its shores--popular lakeside resorts are Devil's Haven, Lucky Strike, Wahlin's, Welcome Inn and Stonegate. Also printed on verso: Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701. Unused.

Mud Hen Lake, Siren, Wisconsin

Text printed on verso: A spring fed lake over 90-ft. deep in places. Located 5 miles west of Siren, Wisconsin on Hwy. 70 in the heart of the Fish Bowl area. Noted for its bass fishing and friendly resort accommodations. You're looking S. E. on this picture. Also printed on verso: Photo and Pub. by G.R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701. Unused.

Webb Lake, Wisconsin

Text printed on verso: "Webb Lake, Wisconsin. Hwy. 77 runs between Upper and Lower Webb Lake at the Narrows, with the Village of Webb Lake 2 miles south of Hwy. 77. Webb Lake boasts sandy beaches and best of fishing in its spring fed waters. Ample resort accommodations available." The village of Webb Lake is pointed out with an arrow. Also printed on verso: Photo and Pub. by G.R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701. Unused.

Skycrest Motel, River Falls, Wisconsin

Text on verso: "Skycrest Motel- River Falls, Wisconsin- 27 units. Newest and finest in motel comfort. Fire resistant bldg., individually controlled hot water heat, air-conditioned, ceramic bath or shower, wall to wall carpeting, large lobby, coffee shop, phones, and free TV. Phone River Falls, Wisconsin, HA 5-6133 Gilbert Durand and Family, Your host." Published by G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused.

Housing for men at Wisconsin State College at River Falls, Wisconsin

Title continuation on verso: "Housing for men at Wisconsin State College at River Falls is provided in Stratton Hall (left) and Prucha Hall (right). Each dormitory houses 200 students." Text on verso: G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Date from time period "Wisconsin State College" was used (between 1951 and 1964). Postmark: Jul 8, 1975; mailed from River Falls Wis; stamp removed. Message: Addressed to Grandma H & S, R# 1 Box 154, Palmyra Wisconsin 53156. Hi, We had a nice trip here. The farther North we got the hotter it got. Our dorm rooms are very warm. We will have to buy a fan. Did Dave get to the lake. Howie, Evie, Rob."

H.T. Hagestad Student Center at the Wisconsin State College, River Falls, Wisconsin

Title continuation from verso: The H.T. Hagestad Student Center of the Wisconsin State College at River Falls is the 'lving room' of the campus. A portion of the lounge area with the main dining room is seen here. Text on verso: G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Date from time period "Wisconsin State College" was used. Unused.

St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Frederic, Wisconsin

Title from verso; the descriptive sentence continues "... is a reproduction of a window in the Cathedral at Chartres, France." Postcard with image of the Great Window on the "east wall" (behind the altar) and the chancel of St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Frederic, Wisconsin. St. Luke's is known as 'The Little Cathedral of the North'. The window was designed and built by Belgian artist Albert Larshied of Minneapolis. Published by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701. Unused postcard.

Street scene, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of downtown New Richmond, Wisconsin, showing businesses, automobiles, street lights, a few pedestrians, and a mailbox. Signs include the Rexall Drug, Sears, Italian & American foods, Chevrolet and Buick, and Loans. Text printed on verso: "New Richmond, Wisconsin, 'The City Beautiful.' A hospitable city with a picturesque setting on the banks of the Willow River." Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused.

Aerial view, Yellow Lake, Wisconsin

Photochrom-style postcard showing the unincorporated village of Yellow Lake, with the lake of the same name in the background. Title continued on verso: Yellow Lake, Only a few miles N.W. of Webster, Wisconsin. Popular lakeside resorts of this sandy beached, good fishing lake are: Hughes Hi Haven and Golf Course, Ike Walton Lodge, Yellow Lake Lodge, Pine Haven Resort, Shady Glenn and South Shore Resort. Text printed on verso: "G. R. Brown Post Card Co., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin," and the logo for "Sun-Johnson Printing, Inc. Eau Claire, Wisconsin." Date from handwritten note on verso: July 8, 1963. Postmark is: Jul 3, 196[-]; mailed from Webster, Wisconsin; purple 4¢ Lincoln stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Lottie M. Naibert, Portland, Oregon. "Tuesday July 2nd, Cool, windy, sunny. Hi L.M. -- Here we are -- trying to get some much needed rest & relaxation from all the strenous [sic] days of May & June. It was so hot Sat. when we drove up -- T. 96, Sunday too - but yesterday cooler & today real cool. Dave & Elmer are like a couple of kids - having fun in the boat. No catch as yet - but soon I hope. Wrote Hank yesterday - card to Alga today - Exchange greetings also & manage to keep busy cooking & visiting. I baked pancakes this am., good too. Cabin is [?] and comfortable. Have had no reply to my last letter mail'd June 16th. Lillian & Elmer." Printed by Johnson Printing, Inc., Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Aerial view, Prescott, Wisconsin

Aerial postcard image showing Prescott and some surrounding farm lands, the river, and some of Minnesota. Text on verso: Prescott, Wisconsin. Located where the beautiful clear sky blue water of the St. Croix River empty into the mighty Mississippi River. Also on verso: Photo & Pub. by G. R. Brown Co., Rt. 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701; plus their logo.

Greetings from Siren, Wisconsin

"Post Card" showing the main street in Siren with various parked cars and two pedestrians outside of a car. Various business signs are present but unreadable except for one BAR sign. Text on verso: "SIREN, Wisconsin, is located on Hwy. 35 in the heart of the fishbowl area. This friendly town is visited by many vacationers who find the many lakes in the area most beckening." Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Company, 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Greetings from Lipsie Lake, Spooner, Wisconsin

Picture postcard showing Lipsett Lake and surrounding countryside from the air. Text on verso: Lipsie Lake - Spooner, Wisconsin 12 miles N.W. of Spooner, Wisconsin, in the Heart of the Indian Head Country. Provides the best fishing, boating, and water sports for the family vacationers' [sic]. Ample resort accommodations are available with shops a mile away and Spooner 12 miles away. Photo and Published by G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused.

Lake Aire Resort on Spencer Lake, Clam Falls, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of two cottages at the Lake Aire Resort in Burnett County, near Clam Lake, Wisconsin. The cottages both have lawn chairs by the doors. One cottage has been marked with an "X", which is not explained. Test printed on verso: G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake, Eau Claire, Wisconsin Printed on Etch Tone postcard paper. Unused.

Greetings from Frederic, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with aerial image of Frederic, Polk County, Wisconsin. The title continuation on the verso reads: Frederic, Wisconsin. A friendly city of 900 people -- Located in the [heart?] of Wisconsin's fishing area. Many resort accomo[dations] are nearby. Text printed on verso: "Published by G. R. Brown Co., Route 5, Eau Claire, Wisconsin," and the G. R. Brown logo. Date from postmark: Jun 3 1971; mailed from Frederic, WI; 13¢ US Air Mail, "Let Freedom Ring" Liberty Bell stamp (Scott C62). The 13¢ denomination was issued on June 28, 1961 (untagged) and on February 15, 1967 (tagged). Message: Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shaefer, 63 Germany. "God's Country, so beautiful -- the lakes, streams, woods and farms -- reminds me of Home -- Honest -- More later, ___."