Postcard with image the Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin, on market day. Includes buildings on both sides of Main Street, many horse-and-buggies, many pedestrians, power lines, and a large American flag. Image is hand annotated with "My Bro." and a line pointing to a man driving a buggy. Date from postmark: Apr 30, 1911. Verso stamped: Bannister, Photographer. Message: Addressed to Mr. Geo Trut, Hudson, Wisconsin, U.S.A.; "Sat. Dear G.[?] U. - You don't know how sorry I am - [] - well you know. - I didn't get home until Sat P.M. at 4:00. See that was too late and didn't get [] till 4-30 see. Would have been very much pl[__] to have gone. I am to be in Hudson Sunday on 9- and land at Burkholders at noon. I will be a [the rest has glue over it and is unreadable].