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Frank T. Bannister With digital objects
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Northwards, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with an aerial view of New Richmond, Wisconsin, looking north. Stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

[New Richmond high school]

Real-photo postcard with image of the high school in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Box added on top of image: Bannister, Photographer, New Richmond, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Sep 19 1906; mailed from New Richmond Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp (1902 series). Message: Addressed to Mrs. E. L. Bunker, Dawson, N. Dak. "Dear Anna -- Well don't you think I'm a great one for not writing but really it keeps me busy with my school work. I'll write next Saturday or some time around there. This is the New Richmond high school which Harry and I go every day. With lots of love from all to all, Willard." [Willard and his older brother Harry Irle.]

Band marching in parade, Glenwood City, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing non-uniformed adults marching in what appears to be a parade, and playing instruments like baritones and drums. They are followed by horse-pulled wagons. Stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Date from postmark: Jul 18, 1910, and from date of message. Message: Addressed to Mr. Oscar Hilleman, Green Lake, Minn. "7/17/10. Dear Friend, Your card and letter came to hand some time ago. Was glad to hear from you. I am slack in beefing [?] up my correspondence. Yes it has been dry here too. No hay at all. Had a good rain last night. Geo. R. Koberstein. [On recto:] This is our band. The front is you know. Look over newspaper I am sending."

Aerial view looking South, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image showing the city of New Richmond, Wisconsin, looking toward the southwest. The post office and opera house are labeled. Text stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Date from postmark: Jul 2[1], 1909; mailed from New Richmond, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mr. G.A. ???, Camp Douglas, Wisconsin, Co. A 10th Batt. "We are going out to ???? to ??? ???. I have her looking for a 'nasty' card to pay you and Mr. B- back but I haven't been able to find one. We are having a fairly good time. Had a card from Jess ??? ???. You get busy and write a letter when you get home and tell up everything. Sara."

Main St., Clear Lake Wisconsin [graphic].

Real-photo postcard with image of the business district of Clear Lake, in Polk County, Wisconsin. The prominent building on the street is a drugstore, with a large Tom Keene Cigars sign on the side. Text stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Printed on Kruxo paper (this stamp box design used 1908-1910). Unused.

Clear Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of five people in a rowboat on Clear Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin. Text stamped on verso: Bannister, Photographer. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.

Market day, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Postcard with image the Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin, on market day. Includes buildings on both sides of Main Street, many horse-and-buggies, many pedestrians, power lines, and a large American flag. Image is hand annotated with "My Bro." and a line pointing to a man driving a buggy. Date from postmark: Apr 30, 1911. Verso stamped: Bannister, Photographer. Message: Addressed to Mr. Geo Trut, Hudson, Wisconsin, U.S.A.; "Sat. Dear G.[?] U. - You don't know how sorry I am - [] - well you know. - I didn't get home until Sat P.M. at 4:00. See that was too late and didn't get [] till 4-30 see. Would have been very much pl[__] to have gone. I am to be in Hudson Sunday on 9- and land at Burkholders at noon. I will be a [the rest has glue over it and is unreadable].