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Osceola Hotel, Osceola, Polk County, Wisconsin

Linen postcard with image of the Osceola Hotel in Osceola, Polk County, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: National Press, Inc., North Chicago. Date from postmark: May 9 1956; mailed from Osceola Wisconsin; stamp is missing. Message: Addressed to Mr. Leon H. Church, Lebanon, Illinois. "5/9/56. Thanks Mr. Church for the fine words for my mother, in your paper. Here's the 43 room hotel - now 23 plus 11 apartments. Yours, Oliver Eicher."

4th of July at John Till's, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a group of eight men, two women, one child, and a dog standing outside of a house. The house has a banner that reads "4th of July at John Till's" and the porch American flags decorate the house and one of the women holds a flag. Most of the men's faces are blacked out due to shade. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used between 1904 and 1918); Till moved to New Richmond in 1908. Unused.

Cottages at Dellwood, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of an automobile parked in front of a cottage at Dellwood Resort on Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. The postcard has a small, irregular white border. Text printed on recto: Excel P.C. Co., Milw. Printed on ECK paper (used between1930-1950). Unused.

Street scene, Centuria, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the business street in Centuria, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved. A. Pearson Co., Inc., 2014 No. Third St., Minneapolis 11, Minn. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ).. Unused.

Ortman's Brookside Resort, Little Yellow Lake, Webster, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of a small brown cabin in a wooden area with Little Yellow Lake in the background. A small portion of a 1950s-era automobile can be seen on the left side. Message: Addressed to Master Henry Clhs. Fritzemeier, 141 East Walters St., Port Washington, Wisconsin. "Hi honey how are you. Remember this last little cottage? That is the one we have, is not bad. Am having chicken for our dinner, come and have some. Granpa is out fishing, hope he will get some. There are any children here at all. Big cottage is empty. Love granma and granpa."

Greetings from Milltown, Wisconsin

Arial view of "Milltown, Wisconsin, center of Polk County on scenic Hwy. 35. 13 lakes within 8 miles. A lake region where 20 lb. Northerns and 6-lb. Bass are a reality and ample resort facilities are available in this vacation paradise." Text printed on verso: Photo and published by G. R. Brown Co., 324 Lake Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Unused

Bridge at Bungalow Beach, Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of Bungalow Beach near Amery, Wisconsin. Shown are Pike Lake, a bridge, and the Bungalow Beach Lodge. Printed on verso: Crescent Photo Co., 3341 23rd Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. Located on the shores of Pike Lake near Amery, Wisconsin, the Shoreview Supper Club is [as of 2013] a recreational facility that has been in existence for approximately a century. It operated under several names as a resort, a church, camp, camp for under-privileged, and returned to a resort in 1971. Probably best known and remembered for service as Bungalow Beach, many tourists and local residents can tell of memorable experiences at the sport in the twenties and early thirties. The original lodge was destroyed by fire in 1962 and lost with it was a great deal of the original history of the resort.

Congregational Church, Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Congregational Church in Amery, Wisconsin. Date provided by photographer. Text printed on verso: B. H. Dingman, Pub., Plymouth, Wisconsin Mailed Aug 11, [year missing] from [A]mery [Wis]; green 1¢ Franklin stamp (design A138). Message: Addressed to Miss Silvia Gasish, Stockbridge, Wisconsin "This is the Ce. Church down here. I think It is a nice one. Good bye, write soon, from Margaret."

Post office, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Hudson, Wisconsin, post office. Includes the two story brink building, a flag pole, and three 1930s-40s era cars in the parking lot. The photograph possibly was taken when the post office opened in 1939. Unused.

Second Street commercial district, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the Second Street commercial district in Hudson Wisconsin. Shops that can be seen include a pharmacy, two hotels, and the Buffet. The District is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Text on verso: "The Cook-Montgomery Co. Post Cards, Minneapolis", "Sterling Quality", and "Genuine Photograph". Unused.

Aerial view, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real picture postcard with an air view of Hudson Wisconsin. The Elk Lodge, Main Street, United States Post Office, the Opera Hall and a number of other buildings and landmarks can be seen. Number on the front: 32 Correspondence on verso.

Court house, Hudson, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the St. Croix County Courthouse in Hudson, Wisconsin. Showing the exterior, front entrance archway. This building is now on the National Register of Historic Places. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Roller mills, New Richmond, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard showing the Willow River in foreground reflecting a train along the side of the "New Richmond Mills." A portion of a trestle is to the left. Handwritten on recto: S.C.D. Co. Photo. Printed on Cyko paper (this stamp box design used 1904-1920s). Unused.

Grade school, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of the new elementary school in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Also in the picture are two 1950s era automobiles. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., 2014 No. 3rd St., Minneapolis, Minn. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.

Residencial area, Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with image of a residential street in Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. The view is from a cross street and the streets are dirt. There are six two-story houses and some out buildings, electric poles, and medium-size bare-leaf deciduous trees with some small evergreens in the background. Lake Amery can be seen in the background. Text printed on verso: Made by W. S. King, St. Paul, Minn. Date from message (10-26-08) and postmark (Oct 27, 1908); green 1¢ Franklin postage stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Flora Kiddee, Alden, Erie Co., New York. "10-26-08. Amery, Wisconsin We think of you all often. We will be home soon. It has been cold and rainy here for the past week. The time flies fast. Will have lots to tell you. Hope you are all well. M.L.K"

Street scene showing Danielson Drug, Amery, Wisconsin

Picture postcard with image of a downtown street in Amery, Wisconsin. Prominently shown is the Danielson Drug store; farther down the street is a sign for a bank, and parked in the center of the street is a refrigerated truck with Super Ice Cream painted on the side. In addition to the truck, there are four cars visible. Also one light pole and what appear to be Christmas lights are strung across the street. Printer: Herman the Printer, Minocqua, Wisconsin Message: Addressed to Lois A. Johnson, Route 1, Box 97A, Welch, Minnesota; green 1¢ George Washington stamp, but no postmark. "Dear Lois, Thanks for lovely card. I hope you like this one. My boyfriend is in the hospital with a broken leg, so I go to see him often. Write again soon. Viola Chilstenson, Shafer, Minn."

Lutheran Bible Camp in Amery, Wisconsin

Real-photo post card with an image of the Lutheran Bible Camp in Amery, Wisconsin. Image shows a stone outdoor fire pit and a small building surrounded by deciduous trees. Date based on founding of the camp in 1948. Printed on Kodak Paper. Printed on verso: "All rights reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn." Unused.

Greetings from River Falls, Wisconsin

Real-photo postcard with 7 smaller postcard views of River Falls, Pierce County, Wisconsin. Left to right: Kinnickinnic Falls, Glen Park, State Normal School [South Hall], Congregational Church, [aerial view of] River Falls, Cascade Falls, and in the middle, Catholic Church. Published by M. A. Shepard. Date from postmark: Sep 12, 1924; mailed from River Falls, Wisconsin; Message: Addressed to Mrs. Al. Kroeger, 2116 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn. "Dear Agnes and Al, I have been looking ever[?] mail for a line but ain't heard any thing yet. Hazle [sic] said you was sick a week ago. Are you better? Onid sure has been sick. The Dr was hear [here] 4 times to see hear [her]. It was a good thing I came home. She is better now. She had tonsilitis [sic]. We thought Saterday [sic] night she would die before we could get the Dr. It sure was hard with the children." At the top of the card: "How is N[---]an? Let us hear from you soon. With lots of love, from Anna[?]."

Golden Age nursing home, Amery, Wisconsin

Commercially-produced color postcard of the Golden Age nursing home. Printed on the front of the postcard is "Amery, Wisconsin" Printed on the verso is "This beautiful building completed in 1959 and houses 75 aged or infirm residents. Located in Amery, Wisconsin"

Methodist church, Osceola, Wisconsin

Postcard with image of the Methodist Church on the corner of River Street and Third Avenue in Osceola, Wisconsin. A large tree with most of its leaves gone is outside the church and two 1950s-era cars are parked at the curb. The church building has a bell tower with four turrets. Unused.

Results 1 to 50 of 5445