North Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Store fronts include Lund's (Lund) Hardware, Dollar Express, etc.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
North Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Store fronts include Lund's (Lund) Hardware, Dollar Express, etc.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Movie Theater on Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Businesses on East side of Main Street in River Falls, 1974
Image includes store fronts for Kulstad Bros and Freeman Drug Store next door.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Businesses on East side of Main Street in River Falls, 1976
Image includes store fronts of Harp Cafe, Horsemen's (Horseman / Horsemen) Apparel Western Wear, Shoe Den, River Falls Bakery, Malmer Bros. (Brother / Brothers), etc.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Lamp made by Victor Moline in River Falls, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Reverse says Carroll's business location.
Signage outside building reads Oliver Chilled Plow and lime, salt, cement.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Southside Plaza in River Falls, 1990
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Route 66 gas station, Southside Plaza in River Falls, 1990
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Commercial Hotel in River Falls, circa 1880
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
A.W. Lund building, circa 1900
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Left to right: A. W. Lund, followed by staff.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
A. W. Lund Company, August 1975
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Our Own Hardware
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Groceries in River Falls, circa 1890
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Greenwood Mills and Plumber businesses shown. People unidentified
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Nora Gergen in Whole Earth Store, October 1976
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
King's Country Garden truck in River Falls, July 1975
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
J. W. Allard General Merchandise in River Falls, circa 1900
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Back of photograph reads: The Carroll Corner where Carroll Bros conducted business for many years later. J. P. Carroll...A. T. Carroll...
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Clothing store in River Falls, circa 1975
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
North Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Includes store fronts for Ben Franklin, etc.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Intersection at Main Street and Maple, 2001
Store fronts include Glass Express, Cliff's (Cliff) Fix-it Shop, Lighthouse Coffee, etc.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Ben Franklin Crafts on Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
South Fork Cafe in River Falls, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Reverse says River Falls Journal Centennal edition, 1948.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Lamps made by Victor Moline in River Falls, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Unidentified people at opening of Shoe Den in River Falls, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Reverse says Lokrantz
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Grant Jones, book shop owner in River Falls, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls Bakery store front, 1974
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Construction of Greenwood Terrace in River Falls, May 1976
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Reverse states corner of Main Street and Locust.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Lower level interior shops in River Falls Mall, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Lunds Hardware
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Grocery store shopper, circa 1980
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Butcher in River Falls, circa 1980
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
M. Norseng crockery groceries, circa 1900
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Back says Mrs. John Cederholm; County or district lodge
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Bread in window of bakery in River Falls, circa 1975
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
West side of Main Street between Elm and Walnut Streets in River Falls, March 1894
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Reverse says March 22, 1894 River Falls Journal. Ursula Peterson was noted as of the ladies in the buggy could be Anna Dodge, later an actress.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Businesses on Main Street looking North in River Falls, 1976
Businesses include Malmer Bros. supermarket.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
North Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Includes signs and store fronts for Holiday, University Square Business Center, Citgo, First National bank, etc.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
North Main Street builsings in River Falls, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River Falls Motel on Main Street, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Signs on reverse of business on North Main Street in River Falls, 2001
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Greenwood Mills in River Falls, circa 1870
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Wonder Wash in River Falls, 1990
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Lamps made by Victor Moline of River Falls, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
C. Harlen Pumps and Windmill advertising on buggy with horses in River Falls, circa 1890
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Reverse states C. Harlen in front of A. W. Lund Hardware and Harness, two blocks from river. C. Harlen second place of business operation, 1st on river.
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Chuck Busalacchi. Village Peddler in River Falls, circa 1975
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
River City Records in River Falls, circa 1975
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Cashton Marble Works in River Falls, undated
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Dining room, Walvern Hotel in River Falls, circa 1875
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Whole Earth grocery, circa 1975
Part of Photographs of Burnett, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix Counties
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)
Visual material By University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Archives and Area Research Center (1860)