- US ARC 2013.001.037
- item
- unknown
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Color print of a photograph of Amery, Wisconsin. Publisher: Danielson Drug Co., Amery, Wisconsin Printer:
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Color print of a photograph of Amery, Wisconsin. Publisher: Danielson Drug Co., Amery, Wisconsin Printer:
Veteran's reunion, Ellsworth, Wisconsin, 1909
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Grand Army of the Republic Veterans Reunion, held in Ellsworth, Wisconsin, on June 9th and 10th, 1909. The musical band (seated in the front row and consisting of men too young to have served in the Civil War), includes a bass drum with the words "Morgan G.A.R. Drum Corps, Minneapolis, Minn." Pierce County events often hired bands from across the state border. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.
Fabri-Tek, Incorporated, Amery, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Fabri-Tek, Inc., building in Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. Continuation of title on verso: Fabri-Tek, Inc., An equal opportunity employer, Amery, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: "Pub. by Emil Fremming 'Color Cards', Chetek, Wisconsin" and "Photo by Emil Fremming." Also: Made by Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack, New York. Unused.
Northern States Power Company service center, Amery, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Northern States Power Company service center located in Amery, Polk County, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: "Pub. by Emil Fremming "Color Cards," Chetck, Wisconsin" and "Photo by Emil Fremming." Also, "Made by Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack, New York." Date based on automobiles in the parking lot. Unused.
Golden Age Manor, Amery, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Golden Age Manor. "This beautiful building completed in 1959 and houses 75 aged or infirm residents. Located in Amery, Wisconsin.' Text printed on verso: "G. R. Brown Co. Dist., 324 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wisconsin" and "Natural Color by Mike Roberts, Berkeley 2, Calif." Unused.
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the 3-story brick high school in Amery, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Date from postmark: Jun 24 1951; mailed from Rice Lake Wis; green 1¢ George Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. Fred Von Haden, W. Counsil [sic] St., Tomah, Wisconsin "Hi. Having a wonderful time. Fishing most every day. Have had good luck. Caught a N. Pike 27" long. Real sport. Tillie."
High school girls Glee Club, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Baldwin High School Girls Glee Club in 1914. Date from note on the verso. Other handwriting on verso includes "Miss Mae Peabody, Baldwin, Wisconsin, St. Croix County." Mae (or May) Peabody attended Baldwin High School for only one year, and is probably in this photograph, but there is no indication which girl she is.
Willow River Falls, Burkhardt, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Willow River Falls near Burkhardt, in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: The West Novelty Co., 817-21-Cedar Ave., Minneapolis. Date based on postmark: Dec 5 1908; mailed from Burkhardt Wisconsin; green 1¢ "Gingerbread" Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Mrs. J.E. Smith, South Stillwater, Minn. "Dear Lena:- Well how are tricks? We are [ihe sanie?]. Laura and I walked down home to-day. Just got back. Say did you have any more swift rides - I told Joe when he got home. Love to all and a X for Mildred. Gu___."
Willow River Falls, Burkhardt, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Willow River Falls near Burkhardt, in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Unused.
Willow River Falls, River Falls Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Willow Falls near Burkhardt, in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. The use of "River Falls" in the title comes from the location of the publisher. Text printed on verso: Made in Germany. Taggart's Drug Store, Importers & Publishers, River Falls, Wisconsin Printed in the stamp box (partially missing): image of a padlock with "C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill., Exclusive Importers; Domestic Postage One Cent, Foreign Postage Two Cents." Unused.
Willow River Falls and dam, Burkhardt, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Willow Falls and dam near Burkhardt, in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. The photograph shows a man sitting on a rock below the dam and falls. Date from postmark: Aug 28 1916; mailed from Burkhardt Wisconsin; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Printed on Kruxo paper. Message: Addressed to Mrs. H.A. Ammundson, Osceola, Wisconsin "Sunday, Dear Mrs. A.- Am having a grand time at Burkhardt. Expect to go back to Stillwater Tuesday. Haven't decided when I would come home. Say hello ! to Doris for me and give baby a kiss for me. Genevieve G."
Winter scene at Webb Lake, Burnett County, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of two does posing in the snow, supposedly near Webb Lake in Burnett County, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Real Photo Post Card, Hansen Photo Co., Withee, Wisconsin Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.
Main plant Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Linen postcard with image of the main plant of the Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art Colortone" Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.). Date based on the Curteich numbering system (see note). Unused.
Engraved likeness of Colonel Elmer Ellsworth, Dairy Queen, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of Colonel Emer E. Ellsworth, the Civil War Union officer for whom Ellsworth, Wisconsin, is named. The photograph is of an engraved likeness of Colonel Ellsworth, which hangs in the Ellsworth Dairy Queen. Printed by Helmer Printing, Inc.,1993. Unused.
City views, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Commercially-printed, in Germany, postcard with images of the High School, the Main Street, and the Pierce County Court House, all located in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: Made in Germany. A. Swahn & Co., Importers and Publishers, Ellsworth, Wisconsin Printed in the stamp: image of a padlock with "C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, Ill., Exclusive Importers; Domestic Postage One Cent, Foreign Postage Two Cents." Unused.
Wisconsin Cooperative Dairies, Elmwood, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Wisconsin Co-op Dairies plant in Elmwood, Wisconsin.
Methodist church, Hudson, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Picture postcard with image of the Methodist Church in Hudson, Wisconsin. The church building has a steeple with belfry, lantern, and cutoff spire; lancet windows plus one small round window; and wide front steps. A streetlight hanging from a wire can also be seen. Text printed on verso: Pub. for F. R. Crane, Hudson, Wisconsin, by North-Western Post Card Co., St. Paul, Minn. Date from postmark: Dec 3 1914; mailed from Hudson Wis; stamp removed. Message: Addressed to Erma Jean Bird, 2217 Third St., Menomonie, Wisconsin "Dear Sister, I went sleding yesterday & I had a fine time. Don't you wish you were here? I will have to go & mail this card. Wanda."
Four men posing in suits and hats, Hudson, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of four men posing for the camera in front of a photography studio backdrop. Title supplied by cataloger. The names are handwritten on the verso: B.G. B__sler, William Fleming, G.F. Trieb, and standing, E.H. Nagel. Text printed on verso: The Kregel Photo Parlors, St. Paul, Minn. and Minneapolis, Minn. The date handwritten on the verso--Jan. 14, 1911--is probably the date the photograph was taken in a photography studio. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918).
Lake St. Croix, Stillwater, Minnesota
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Picture postcard with image of Lake St. Croix near Stillwater, Minnesota. The view looks toward the Wisconsin shore, with the interstate bridge before it was the iconic lift bridge of the later 20th century. A tugboat is also visible. Date from postmark: Apr 19 1918; mailed from Stillwater Minn.; stamp was removed. Message: Addressed to Miss Mary Fenski, 5718 Grand Ave., Chicago, Ill. "Hello kid, How are you all. Haven't see[n] you for a long time. Why don't you write. P.S."
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the bridge over the St. Croix River at Hudson Wisconsin. Title supplied by cataloger. Text printed on verso: Bridge celebration and home coming, Hudson, Wisconsin, barbeque, parade, land and water sports, June 14, '13, Come."
Gallahad School for boys, Hudson, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the Galahad School for Boys in Hudson Wisconsin Text printed on front: Published by E. A. Harding, Hudson, Wisconsin Date from postmark: Mar 12, 1910; mailed at Hudson, Wisconsin; 1¢ green Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Misses M. Brown, Minneapolis, Minn., 126 12th St. So. "This is one of our buildings at school. Write soon, Willis."
Hudson high school basket ball team, Hudson, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard image of the Hudson High School men's basketball team in 1910. Additional typed advertising for the game against the Menomonie basketball team. Date from postmark: Jan 31 1910; mailed from Hudson Wisconsin; stamp removed.
South Main Street, Hudson, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the south portion of Hudson Main Street, located in St. Croix County, Wisconsin. Date from the 1950s era automobiles parked along the street. Stamp on verso: James T. King (UWRF history professor). Unused.
St. Croix River scene, Hudson, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of Text printed on verso: Date from postmark:
Closeup of fire at Van Meters Print Shop, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of workmen posing with ruined equipment in the Van Meters Print Shop in New Richmond, Wisconsin, which was destroyed by fire ... The names of the four men were Jack Niederer, Bob Phillips, Al Dyson, and Fred Wert. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918).
Ruins of Van Meter's Print Shop, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of firemen and other men posing in front of the ruins of Van Meter's Print Shop in New Richmond, Wisconsin. which was destroyed by fire ... Postmark not fully visible; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Message: Addressed to Mr. Tom Martin, ... , Chicago,
Willow River Lumber Company fire, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the July, 1909, fire that burned down the Willow River Lumber Company in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused.
Willow River Lumber Company, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Willow River Lumber Company in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Title from verso (handwritten note). Printed on Azo paper with all four triangles pointing up (used 1904-1918). Unused as a postcard, however, someone has written information about the company on the verso.
Market day, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image the Main Street in New Richmond, Wisconsin, on market day. Includes buildings on both sides of Main Street, many horse-and-buggies, many pedestrians, power lines, and a large American flag. Image is hand annotated with "My Bro." and a line pointing to a man driving a buggy. Date from postmark: Apr 30, 1911. Verso stamped: Bannister, Photographer. Message: Addressed to Mr. Geo Trut, Hudson, Wisconsin, U.S.A.; "Sat. Dear G.[?] U. - You don't know how sorry I am - [] - well you know. - I didn't get home until Sat P.M. at 4:00. See that was too late and didn't get [] till 4-30 see. Would have been very much pl[__] to have gone. I am to be in Hudson Sunday on 9- and land at Burkholders at noon. I will be a [the rest has glue over it and is unreadable].
Eagle Point, Osceola, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of Eagle Point on the St. Croix River near Osceola, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: C. W. Staples, Osceola, Wisconsin Printed in Germany. Also printed on the verso is the PCK Series peacock logo (Paul C. Koeber Company). Date based on other Staples-Koeber collaborations. Unused.
St. Croix County Asylum, New Richmond, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the St. Croix County Asylum in New Richmond, Wisconsin. Text on verso: "7096 -- Published for Grinnell-Rounsavell Co." Also on verso is the Bloom Bros Co. "Scenic" logo. Date from postmark: Jul 9, 1926; mailed from New Richmond [Wis]; red 2¢ Washington stamp (Scott 554). Postcard addressed to Mrs. Claud Edmonds, 876 Main St., Oshkosh, Wisconsin; there is no message.
St. Croix boat works, Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of boats on the St. Croix River at Prescott, Wisconsin.
St. Croix Heights motel, Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the St. Croix Heights motel in Prescott, Wisconsin. Text printed on verso: All Rights Reserved, A. Pearson Co., Inc., 2014 No. 3rd St., Minneapolis 11, Minn. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.
Mthodist Episcopal Church, Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Methodist Episcopal church building in Prescott, Wisconsin. The building has a belltower, some stained glass windows, and a formed concrete block foundation. Text printed on verso: Moen Photo Service, La Crosse, Wisconsin Printed on EKKP paper (used 1904-1950). Unused.
Burlington railroad bridge, Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo POST CARD with image of the Burlington railroad bridge, near Prescott, Wisconsin, at sunset.
Toll bridge (raised for boats), Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the toll bridge being raised for boats at Prescott, Wisconsin. The Point Douglas Drawbridge at Prescott is the crossing for U.S. Highway 10 between Wisconsin and Minnesota. Text printed on verso: Moen Photo Services, La Crosse Wisconsin Printed on EKKP paper (used 1904-1950). Unused.
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Spiral Bridge in Hastings, Minnesota. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.
Spiral bridge, Hastings, Minnesota
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Linen postcard with image of the Spiral Bridge in Hastings, Minnesota. Title continued on verso: The Spiral Bridge at Hastings, the only one of its kind in the world, was completed in April 1895. The approach was designed in this manner to avoid spanning the main business street of the city and cutting the section in two." Text printed on verso: A 'National Color Card' Made by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- 1HL. Between 1931, when linen cards were first produced, and 1956, when Kropp was sold. Stamped on verso: James King (possibly the donor). Otherwise unused.
River view, Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with an aerial image of Prescott, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Sep 11 1913; mailed from Prescott Wis; green 1¢ Washington stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Ruth Lindblad, Bay City, Wisconsin, Lock Box 16. "Dear Sister : -- Received your welcome letter. Are all well, hope you are the same. Mama & I were to guild this P.M. Willie came up on the noon train yesterday and went back last night. Had a letter from Pearle, they are well. Had a good rain last night. Will close with love from all and hope to see you Saturday. Lovingly, Amanda."
Lake St. Croix, Prescott Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of Lake St. Croix near Prescott, Wisconsin. A portion of two buildings can be seen to the far left. Printed on Azo paper with four squares (used 1924-1949). Unused, although the postcard has been removed from a scrapbook.
St. Croix Lake, Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of St. Croix Lake at Prescott, Wisconsin. The bridge across the St. Croix River at Prescott can be seen in the distance on the upper left of the image. A boat has been pulled up on shore. Printed on Kodak paper (used 1950- ). Unused.
Junction of St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers, Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the junction where the St. Croix River merges into the Mississippi River, near Prescott, Wisconsin. Unused.
Mississippi River from tourist camp, Prescott, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Real-photo postcard with image of the Mississippi River from a tourist camp near Prescott, Wisconsin. Railroad tracks can be seen. Text printed on verso: Moen Photo Service, La Crosse Wisconsin Printed on EKKP paper (used 1904-1950). Unused.
Scenes, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Composed image of eight postcard scenes from River Falls, Wisconsin. Included are: River Falls High School, Main Street, the Normal School (now South Hall), and Glen Park. Date from postmark: Jul 22, 1907; mailed from River Falls, Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Addressed to Miss Edna Mears, Osceola, Wisconsin
Scenes, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Composed image of eight postcard scenes from River Falls, Wisconsin. Included are: Main St., High School, State Normal School, Junction Falls, Depot, Lower Falls, the Monument, and Cascade Falls. Hand-written on front: Published by Taggart. Printed on Karbo paper. Unused postally.
Maple Street bridge flood, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of the 1894 flood in River Falls, Wisconsin, showing where the Maple Street bridge used to be. Postcard was not addressed to anyone and was not posted. Message: "Can't say the town has gone dry now."
Cascade Falls, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard image of the Cascade Falls in the winter. Date from message: '06. Message: "This looks like 42 below zero, don't it?" Postally unused.
Cascade Falls in winter, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard image of Cascade Falls in the winter. The falls is located in River Falls, Pierce County, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Nov 19, 1906; mailed from Rober[ts] Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin "Gingerbread" stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Teresa Flesch, 243 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn. On recto: "Dear Friend, I have one month vacation, my school will start Dec. 3rd. Bert has been gone two months, he got home yesterday. Regards to all, Friend Laurence." Laurence was possibly Charles Laurence Dake, who went to the River Falls Normal School in 1906.
Falls of the Kinnickinnic, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Postcard with image of Junction Falls, on the Kinnickinnic River, in River Falls, Wisconsin. Date from postmark: Sep 4 1908; mailed from River Falls Wis; green 1¢ Franklin "Gingerbread" stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Teresa Flesch, 248 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn. "Dear Cousin, How is St. Paul? River Falls is the same as ever. I saw A.W. today. Its nice weather now we are getting along fine with our work. Best regards to all from all. Robin."
Rocky Branch Glen, River Falls, Wisconsin
Part of Photographic postcard collection
Photo image of the Rocky Branch Glen in River Falls Wisconsin Date from postmark: Aug 26 1912; mailed from River Falls Wisconsin; green 1¢ Franklin stamp. Message: Addressed to Miss Nettie Andrus, Spring Valley, Wisconsin, R.F.D. #3. "Dear cousin, I received your card and glad you are coming to school. I went out in the country Sat. night to an icecream social with the kid with the foxy horse and buggy. Some kiddo. Gee I can't wate [sic] for the week topass [sic]. What day are you coming, let me know. Love and good by, Leora."